Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Libertarians, Anarchy & Christianity

I'm trying to figure out first the difference between Libertarians and Anarchists.  When I discovered an interesting thing.   They are in fact, the same thing.  And I that "aaaah" now I understand why I feel contempt everything I hear some "analyst" and he turns out to the "libertarian".

As most would know anarchy and Christianity don't mix.  As christians we are to be for law and order.   And since I know a few anarchists (at heart mostly -- they aren't for disorder so much as "less" state), I realize not all of them just want anarchy per say.  But the Christian perspective is that not everyone is trustworthy.  I would say a realists perspective, would be the same. 

But the main reason I dislike (to put it mildly) anarchy is that it leaves the big guys stronger and better able to abuse their powers.  Think Microsoft with no laws.  Great injustices would happen.  And as history has shown, it happened all the time.*

Which brings me to libertarianism, which is (according to Wikipedia):

a term used to describe a broad spectrum[1] of political philosophies which seek to maximize individual liberty[2] and minimize or even abolish the state.[3][4] Libertarians embrace viewpoints across that spectrum ranging from pro-property to anti-property, from minimal government to openly anarchist.[1][5][6][7]

In other words, it anarchy with a fancy title.   I realize that is a bit simplistic.  But the problem with it is that it's one of "leave me alone, I don't care what happens to my neighbour".  And of course this is decidedly un-christian attitude

ሰላም  ዮሃንስ

*I suspect that the injustices of history are greatly unappreciated and under-reported.  I mean, if someone killed someone in the woods, and no one saw them do it, they were scott free (think Cain and Abel).


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