Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Web freedom and ads...

Yet another reason to dislike Rogers.

They certainly aren`t endearing themselves to the general public.   I really really really hope that web neutrality is somehow enforced via legislation.   Freedom of the press is important, as as things are going, access to a neutral, uncontrolled internet is vital to the continuing of this freedom.

If they can throw in ads on a whim, they can also control what can and can`t be seen or heard.   If this can happen, then the Eritrean government will (and seems to, already have) control what people can see.   And although this doesn't mean they can control ideas, it does make it harder to people to disagree with (and therefore rebel) against the government.   Which is another form of control.

ሰላም  ዮሃንስ


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