Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Cops have free reign...

A troubling decision by the Ontario Court of Appeals was made recently.   It seems that if the "crime" is "bad" enough, then it's okay to forget that the "criminal" has basic freedoms.   Essentially, the two hypocrites (one judge strongly disagreed with these two) think that it's okay for the public to lose confidence in the justice system, because "the public, at least in this case, is willing to put up with the significant Charter violations committed by OPP Constable Brian Bertoncello."  

Cause we know that these two will never have to be stopped (even if they do, I'm sure they'd get off) for being the wrong colour in the wrong neighbourhood.

I'll comment more when I have time... if I don't get searched and arrested before then.

ሰላም  ዮሃንስ


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