Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Microsoft to Sue Linux Users: Patent Armageddon on the way...

So I was reading this incredible article. The summary of it, is pretty much what the title of this blog says. Apparently the Linux world is in violation of "235" patents. They wont be specific (it's all out war you know, you don't give your secrets away free... it's more ominous to be vague), but the idea is much like the music industry suing individuals... except for one huge difference. Instead of the music industry suing you for illegally downloading, they are instead suing you, for even listening to music made by independant artists. Because they own the patents to "music".

I've always said that Microsoft is evil. This sorta thing only confirms it.

One interesting argument I've heard is that Bill Gates is using a lot of his money (that he made from the company) through his foundation to donate a lot of money to AIDS funding in Africa. And so at least one person told me they would continue using Windows for that reason. However, I'd say that is a waste. I do think at least some of that money being used for AIDS stuff is great. However, if you want to actually make a difference do this: use free software, and the money that you were going to use to buy that software donate directly to AIDS research somewhere. That way 100% of it goes to AIDS, instead of 2% (I'm randomly guessing here, but I'm sure it's not even close to this figure). Now imagine if the whole word decided to use freeware, and donate that money to all sorts of thing. Freeware would improve, more things would be compatible. And lots of NGO would benefit (as well as poor folks everywhere).

Anyway, read about patent Armageddon.
ሰላም ዮሃንስ


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