Thursday, January 01, 2009

A quiz... and a suggestion

Okay, so an interesting quiz...

If a woman who is pregnant is flying from the Netherlands to the U.S. and the baby is born mid-flight.  Of which country is the new baby a citizen?

Well... you'd be surprise to hear that it's Canada.

What, what?

Apparently if you are over the airspace of our country... so they are canadian.  Weird.

A suggestion when it comes to new years resolutions: Never do them.

The problem with New Year's resolution is that they never work.  Why?  Cause it's an artificial resolution.  If you really needed to change something you wouldn't wait until January 1st.  And if you need to think to figure out if you need to change something, there is a good chance that you aren't convinced about it.  And if that is the case, how easy is it for you to not only do what is necessary but maintain it.

Trying to change is something that you should be doing all the time.  Waiting until an artificial date to "change" something for one year, is a recipe for failure.  A lot like diets, it doesn't work.

So, don't do New Year's resolutions.

Avoid them.  Just change as needed.

ሰላም  ዮሃንስ


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