Caribana 2005

Caribana 2005
Originally uploaded by Mehretube.
Another nice pic of my friend... she is easily one of the most photogenic people I've ever met.
Welcome Everybody! This was The Greatest Blog Ever... but I've changed it's name. I have a bunch of hair, and it's sometimes cornrowed. Not always. I am a black man of Toronto, with hair (at least for now), and I find I get a different reaction... then say... a white woman. And no I don't have weed to sell you.
Another nice pic of my friend... she is easily one of the most photogenic people I've ever met.
Are Christian leaders being naïve in their dealings with the White House or do they understand the nature of the exchange?
It's a little bit of both. In some ways White House power is like [ J.R.R.] Tolkien's ring of power. When you put it on, it feels good and it's dazzling. But after a while it begins to consume you in ways you don't realize. That's the nature of White House power. I have no doubt that Christian political leaders have gotten involved for all the right reasons. I just think over time it becomes harder and harder to stand up against that ring of power and the White House, to say no and walk away.
The Christian political leaders have been seduced. If you look at their comments that they know what they're doing, I'm not quite sure how to read that—is it wonderful or a little troubling? That's one of the reasons I call for this fast from politics.
Taking place a few kilometres from Asmara (the Eritrean Capital), we shot
the wedding pictures here. I kinda liked these pics --especially the
groomsmen -- so I'm posting them.
So here's a pic from wedding, I thought it was nice. I did take something
like 650 pictures, so it's nice at least some of them turned out well.
I took this picture for those vegan, bike advocate types, who love the outdoors and whose parents built their own house out of logs... This took place outside one of two celebratory places (did I mention my uncle was getting married?) for the wedding. You can see it on the top left. Notice there are absolutely no locks. In fact I've yet to see one on any bike. Coming from the bicycle theft capital of North America, it's weird to see.
Here we are on the way to take pictures, I like these two scenery shots. Some colour balance needed, but that could be done later... that is the one downside to digital, you have to do your own colour balance instead of letting the developers do that during processing.
My dad waiting for the bride, there were two different areas of celebration. This is us waiting for the bride so that the wedding party could take pictures.
More Shots from the first day of the family. Some of the nice ones.
More Shots from the first day of the family. Some of the nice ones.
First Day of Trip
I couldn't go running today as Air Canada failed to put my bags on the
plane. No shoes, or running gear. Kinda sucked. Wanted to start some
real good training in the next three weeks.... off to a weak "poof" so
far. Sigh... anyway... check it out.
These are some pics that I like also ... from the experiment series.
These are some pics that I like also ... from the experiment series.
Here are a series of pictures I took last night to test out a digital camera
lent to me by my roommate for my trip to Eritrea. I leave in the morning,
first to St. Louis then... check it out
Here are a series of pictures I took last night to test out a digital camera
lent to me by my roommate for my trip to Eritrea. I leave in the morning,
first to St. Louis then... check it out