Saturday, April 25, 2009

TI tells it -- Hip Hop & Role Models

Probably one of the best responses to this topic I've heard in a while. And watch this earlier response that 50 Cent has to the original question (it was posed to 50 no TI originally). 50 also had a good point, Hip Hop is the mirror. So stop trying to fix up the image in the mirror, and fix the reality that affects it. I will add that someone (maybe Imus??) asked if 50 is going to get with "the program".

What exactly is the "program"?
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More Dry Country side

More Dry Country side, originally uploaded by Mehretube.

5 km north of my grandpa's place (he lived on the northern edge of Asmara). Very open space, not bad running.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Whose Racism is worse?

So which is worse?

Army dedicated to starting a "master" race to dominate the rest, killing millions.  Or an army fighting with other races, who were concurred, enslaving millions, sold and then forced to fight this other army for "freedom" and "justice".  But once finished, sent home, hidden and made sure that no one knew that any of these people never were seen when victory came.  In the end millions of "them" dead.

I'm not sure. 

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