Monday, February 28, 2005

My Sketch of a Friend

My Sketch of a Friend

This is a sketch I did last september, while my friend was reading.
I can't remember what "What a Crock!" refers to... and neither can
she. My 'artist' logo got cut off in the scan, oh well. It's still

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Sherman's Lagoon

Sherman's Lagoon


My grandfather's Place Then

My grandfather's Places

This is the house that my grandfather I think grew up in... but he lived there
for a while. And I don't know for sure, but my father I think may have even
been there. Can you believe my family lived there? And here I live in Canada.
God definatly blessed me. [May 2003]
The Author

My grandfather's Place Now

My grandfather's Places

This first picture is my little cousin sitting with a friend of the family while
they are preparing the food for a big meal. It's in my grandparent's current
place. I really like the way the picture turned out, especially the colours...
that's always the hardest thing to get right. [May 2003]
The Author

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Dad & Guide on Eritrean Mountain Top

Dad & Guide on Eritrean Mountain Top

3500m elevation, my dad and our guide (who is from my dad's old village)
sit atop a rock looking out onto an amazing view. Guess which one is which. [May 2003]

Monday, February 21, 2005


Hey Everybody (and by everybody I mean about 2 maybe 3 people)

I received an email from a friend, who after commenting on something else, indicated that I hadn't posted in a bit of time. Well, in responce, I wrote the previous post. I didn't want my blog to think I didn't love it anymore. ( I love you blog, and don't you forget it.)

So in light of that news, I will try and post more regularly.... but really, if you look at the dates, there aren't all over the place. There was 8 days between my previous and the one before that. And eight days between the intervals of the ladder and the one before that. But, once again, and none the less, I will, without a doubt, regardless of circumstances, certainly every once in a while, and fo sho, comply and write.

So I'll see you all regularly, I'm sure, once again, without a doubt, regardless of circumstances, certainly every once in a while, fo sho... cause I'm gonna give it my all, my best, 100%, my blood, sweat and tears, 110%, every ounce of effort, 120%, leave it all on the track, ice, field, ring, court, board, class, bed, library, kitchen, computer, boat, car, show, and room, leave nothing for the end, 130%, squeeze every last drop, 140%, leave nothing in the tank, legs, arms, 1000%. In short... I'll try.

The Author

A Post

Hi Everybody,
A blog entry.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

"Do bloggers need comments?"

"Do bloggers need comments?" my friend asked when I asked her to post a comment on my blog.

"I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"Yeah, I don't know any bloggers... I'm the blogger that I know."

"Ok, so do you need comments?"

"I don't know. Need is such a strong word."

"Yeah, OK... do you want comments on your blog?"

"Umm... I think so, yeah."

[So this author asks you, do bloggers want comments? Or are bloggers too self absorbed to care?]

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Quote of the moment

Ecclesiastes 11:4 (New American Standard Bible)
He who watches the wind will not sow and he who looks at the clouds
will not reap.

[the New Living Translation puts it this way...]
If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done.

Just a hello from my friends place

Hey everybody,
Today's blog is brought to you by the number 3 and by the letters C and Q.

Well, I"m writing from my friend's place. She is very nice... and pretty to shoe. She is studying currently, and so will I. I hope all you all are having a good time.

When I asked her for a quote of some kind she said...

"Q (or something, i couldn't hear) says that there is no standard for taste...."


"Oh never mind... actually he doesn't say that."


"Oh.... nothing."

" Q says that?"

"Nothing, never mind."

So there you go folks. My blog of the day. See ya.

The Author

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

A story

A story

Hello everybody,
Today is my going crazy and posting day... I hope you enjoy the fruit
of my procrastination. But for those concerned... I wont do this
again for a while, and besides, right now, I have no idea what I
supposed to be doing instead. Feel better? I do.

Ok, here is a story I wanna tell.

Once a upon a time, there lived a freak of leather. He like to ride
his bike everyday. He would, everyday at 8:54am walk up to his
bike... kick the kid who may have been on his bike, and would take
off. He would race and race... and race whatever would challenge
him... which was usually nothing and no one. So he never went fast.
Everyday! He was that good... or so he thought. You see all people
had to do, was look in his direction and they would go running. Up
the slide or to their mommies. He was good... or so he thought.
The end.

The Storyteller.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Desert Farm Field

Middle of Eritrea May 2003 - I took this picture on the way to my step-uncle's desert farm. On the way between the road and his farm, there was this tree. It is in the middle of one of his fields. Makes a nice wallpaper no? Posted by Hello

Cool links

Hey Eveybody,
No I haven't left to run just yet... as you might have seen I managed to post a picture. So in the spirit of "productivity", here's a link for an article at the Varsity (U of T's school paper) about cross country... and they mention me. With a really bad picture.

The second link, also from the Varsity, is not an article but a picture. After much pressure I possed with the Cup. However, not for the picture you see. That came as a surprise when the stuck me on the front of 50,000 papers. And the picture was BIG!.

The Author

Just after my cousin braided my hair - in Eritrea May 2003 Posted by Hello

Grad School

Hello Everybody,
Well, today's blog is brought to you by the letter F and the number 3 and 4.

Today I applied for grad school. But it was a bit of hurry up and wait... or maybe a little of delay, delay and hurry up ... panic!!! ... and wait. I'm not sure which. But after carefully deliberating on whether it was worth $90 to apply (of course, non-refundable)... then praying, I applied. I figured, hey, if God can make a planet, he can get me in to Grad school. If he wants me there in September that is. If not, then off to one more year of undergrad I go. And the graduate studies application lady tells me that I would need to get real good marks to make it worth my while. I thought that was a given, but it made me think that if I do go back for more undergrad it would be a ton of work... it would show, make or break. Anyway, that is all folks. I've going now, so that I can run faster.

Bored yet? Just think... lots and lots of these blogs yet to come.

Your insincerely
The Author