God is Good!
This is my third try at this blog... it seems that I may not get a chance to finish it at the rate that I'm going. You see, when you have a computer from 1996 even Linux can crash.
Well, I (as suspected) didn't get into grad school for this coming September. It looks like I'm going to have to do it the long way around... God has something better in mind.
After many prayers from the church, I went to an interview. Half way into the interview (which I wsn't 'prepped' for... I forgot my notes), I realized that I was going to get a chance (or at the very least with another sleep lab). To top it off, he recognized me from the Sleep Rounds*. He (the doctor who runs the sleep lab and was doing the interview) runs those same Sleep Rounds. God is amazing no? I barely talked during the whole time, he mostly spoke (who need notes?). :)
And yesterday at church a guy who comes out, prayed for his psychosis. He said that he hadn't taken the usual drugs for it (I'm not sure whether he ment just that morning or in general). He said that during his prayer time, as he prayed for God to help him with his psychosis, he said 40% of it went away in 3 seconds! God is Good! You should have seen him. He barely knows much about the bible (he is still new to it and learning), but there he ws telling someone else (with conviction) that God can help. He knew God personally... Is God not awesome? I think so.
I have to say, to my friend who pushed me to make those calls to various labs (you know who you are), thank you. Very much. I wish more people knew how encouraging you are.
I'm going to bounce now, see you all.
The Author
*Sleep Rounds are seminars for sleep doctors and others in the field, that are held regularly to talk about various topics in the sleep field. They are held to keep everyone updated and educated.