Monday, July 27, 2009

Explaining Emergent Churches

Explaining Emergent Churches - Inner Compass from Calvin College on Vimeo.

Something interesting to listen to (26 minutes). It's about the Emergent Churches. To be honest, I have no idea what they are. Ok... that's not 100% true, I think I can guess at what they might be. Basically it has to do with "fundamentally" changing how churches work. I quote fundamentally because I'm not entirely sure that it is changing Christian at all. Interestingly, the guy in this video says a similar-ish type thing. I'm still processing so I'm not sure.

I have to add that I got this link from a friend (see link at the title). As I watched this I couldn't help but think of a couple of things I've heard from a few different sources, including Rick Warren in his book Purpose Driven Church. Basically that these new movements are often because there is a lack, or something missing from what the churches are currently doing. Even the Collins talks about action, love and being born again I am reminded of Jesus imploring Peter to "feed [his] sheep" (John 21 I believe). Still this is more than interesting to listen to. I know I will have to listen to it a couple of times in order to fully grasp all that he said.

Friday, July 24, 2009

bike phone charger!


Though I hope it's not like the Dynamo-type lights (read #5 here for what I mean).

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Libertarians, Anarchy & Christianity

I'm trying to figure out first the difference between Libertarians and Anarchists.  When I discovered an interesting thing.   They are in fact, the same thing.  And I that "aaaah" now I understand why I feel contempt everything I hear some "analyst" and he turns out to the "libertarian".

As most would know anarchy and Christianity don't mix.  As christians we are to be for law and order.   And since I know a few anarchists (at heart mostly -- they aren't for disorder so much as "less" state), I realize not all of them just want anarchy per say.  But the Christian perspective is that not everyone is trustworthy.  I would say a realists perspective, would be the same. 

But the main reason I dislike (to put it mildly) anarchy is that it leaves the big guys stronger and better able to abuse their powers.  Think Microsoft with no laws.  Great injustices would happen.  And as history has shown, it happened all the time.*

Which brings me to libertarianism, which is (according to Wikipedia):

a term used to describe a broad spectrum[1] of political philosophies which seek to maximize individual liberty[2] and minimize or even abolish the state.[3][4] Libertarians embrace viewpoints across that spectrum ranging from pro-property to anti-property, from minimal government to openly anarchist.[1][5][6][7]

In other words, it anarchy with a fancy title.   I realize that is a bit simplistic.  But the problem with it is that it's one of "leave me alone, I don't care what happens to my neighbour".  And of course this is decidedly un-christian attitude

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*I suspect that the injustices of history are greatly unappreciated and under-reported.  I mean, if someone killed someone in the woods, and no one saw them do it, they were scott free (think Cain and Abel).

Monday, July 20, 2009


So I was thinking that other day how a certain difficulty I was having wasn't a big deal.  Specifically, I was thinking that if I got into a course at U of T (which I will be entering this fall) it isn't something I could give as an example to non-christian as a witness.  This isn't to say I couldn't be thankful about it.  But they could reasonably say "it was a coincidence".  After all all I needed to do was talk to the undergrad coordinator. 

Well, it looks like not only will it be quite difficult to actually get into this particular course.  But Most of the courses I want to take will be very difficult to get into.  


I guess God wants more faith out of me. And it does serve as a reminded that it isn't what happens to us that determines anything about our life, but how we respond to it. 

Sometimes a note is easier.... but I guess then I really wouldn't learn it.

The comforting thing is that it serves to remind me that no matter what happens with my life, in terms of course or anything else.  I should trust him.  If I do, I'll be fine. 

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