
Justice was done yesterday. Briefly, the guy, Jama Jama, went to try to peace keep between two guys during some kind of altercation. Police came on the scene, proceeded to beat the guy. He than ran away from the police, scared (a mistake he later admitted). So the police said that the bruises he had, that he got from the fight that he was in. Jama Jama though claimed it was the police that did it, and that he was peace keeping. Witnesses agreed with him. The police failed to mention (in their notes) that they beat the guy, but that he was trying to strike the officer. Once the Crown saw the video they dropped the assault charge on Jama Jama. Had Jama Jama been convicted of assault (it was his word versus a few cops words), he would have been deported back to Somalia. The article will explain the rest... suffice it to say, the only reason justice was done was because, much like the Rodney King incident it was caught on video. Check out the link below of the article.
See the video here (Quicktime)